Health Automated

Functionality from the Future of Social Care

Software that scales with your business, powered by AI that adapts automatically to the changing world of care

Person-Centred Care Planning

Architecture comes with all of the tools you need to deliver effective, person-centred care. Many of your business-critical forms such as Risk Assessments, Support Plans, Mental Capacity Assessments are all included too. Our Care Receiver App allows people who receive support to be kept in the loop, comment on their care and much more.

Connected Applications

Architecture includes everyone in the circle of care. The comprehensive suite of applications supports care professionals, essential office functions, and for the service user and their guardian or power of attorney. Our inclusive approach supports data-informed, transparent and trusted care. And all in real time!

AI Task Automation

Jack, the name our users have given to our AI engine, automates many of your repetitive back-office tasks. Finance calculations, mileage tracking, alerting, reporting, archiving and much more is handled automatically while your team focuses on care. Jack is proven to save time and money, with some care services saving up to £1,400 per week.

AI-based Medications System with Safety Functions

Automated medication management brings safety alerting, expiration and re-order dates, as well as smart parameters to prevent under/overdosing. If you need to move a call, our AI immediately handles the changes and asks if you want the medication to move with the call or remain unchanged, keeping people safe and organised. And integration with NHS Spine provides an always-current list of every conceivable medication.

Automated, Dynamic Invoicing & Payroll

Jack, your AI assistant, is also your trusted invoice and payroll genius. From auto-creating invoices, to easy, automated payroll, we have it covered. AI deals with the complexity of payroll so your colleagues can focus on day-to-day business. Has your favourite co-worker just picked up another shift? Jack already knows what pay rate they should be on. Has your business just been given an uplift by your local authority, or have you raised prices? Architecture manages all changes accurately.

Automated & Intelligent Rostering

AI takes the stress out of planning rosters, all day, every day. With Architecture there's no need to find out who's available. Jack is always checking that your rotas are at 100% optimisation and efficiency. So if someone is running late AI Jack immediately suggests the best changes to your rota without you even picking up the phone. Don't rely on roster templates that are outdated as soon as you save them. Use your time more wisely with Architecture.

Medical History

Each condition or diagnosis related to a service user can now have a different GP, pharmacy or healthcare professional assigned to them. You can record how each condition impacts quality of life of the care receiver, and notes about conditions can be stored under Medical History along with future appointments and meds. This means you can track and report by condition. Architecture AI makes sure that calls are scheduled and medications are added to the calls related to the medical conditions.

AI-Generated Runs

Setting up and managing runs on a standard care management system is no fun. And because they are essentially manual templates by design, they age poorly and become very unwieldy to manage leading to errors and frustration! Using our AI run/round creator, the system automatically creates runs from scratch, taking into consideration location, client preferences, carer skills, relevant training and more - building the perfect round for your business and your service users in seconds.

Policies & Procedures

In Architecture you have the ability to upload and share policies and procedures with carers, service users, administrators and guardians (appointed POAs). Uploaded policies and procedures can be viewed and accepted or declined from the relevant mobile apps, and tracked either at branch or franchise level, providing a real-time overview of accepted and declined policies and procedures. Then our AI tracks every document that is approaching expiry date and alerts you.

See where your team are in real time

Architecture enables you to see where your team are

Time keeping is critical. You need to know where your staff teams are and there estimated timings between support visits.

With AI there are no limits

Health Automated are the first company to develop an all-in-one home care and supported living management system powered by AI. We have done this for a very good reason.

Traditional software development, coding and algorithms have obsolescence built-in. As soon as you go live with a standard care management platform they are, to put no finer point on it, dying...

Because the data bases and development languages that underpin older platforms were created pre-AI, they simply will not keep pace with either the scale of your ambitions or the ever-changing care landscape.

Traditional software providers have long-claimed that they would crack the age-old issues of staff shortages and lack of funding. In nearly 15 years they have conclusively proved they can't! But with AI and Architecture, we are finally starting to move forwards and tackle these business blockers with the time-saving, always-on approach to care management that only AI allows.

Features, features, features!

Apparently no one ever bought software for its features...

Mmmm... we have to disagree. Of course, Architecture appeals to care companies that want everything they need every day all in one place. But it's features like AI-based reporting and business intelligence, integrated e-learning and training management, smart policy and document tracking and multi-site management (to name just a few) that are getting the care industry super-excited about the possibilities of AI functionality...!


Health Automated


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